Robin Kosch

Subproject 3: Algorithmic foundation of CKDNapp models

Dr. rer. nat. Robin Kosch is a postdoctoral researcher and recently joined the junior research group for Computational Biology at the University of Hohenheim, headed by Michael Altenbuchinger. Robin has a background in plant biology and biotechnology and received his PhD in bioinformatics at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in 2019. There, here worked with Prof. Klaus Jung on meta-analyses of high-throughput transcriptomic data from neuroinfection research analyzed with Gene Set Enrichment methods.

Currently, he develops algorithmic solutions for the CKDNapp consortium. These are, for instance, algorithms to estimate Mixed Graphical Models (MGM), which allow to analyze both continuous and categorical variables within a single framework. These models allow to resolve spurious associations and thus lead to more reliable predictions than standard network inference methods. In this context, he also works on the integration of (multi-)omics data with clinical and demographical variables.