Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Raffler is leading the team for data visualization and data integration tools at the Institute of Computational Biology (ICB), Helmholtz Zentrum München. Johannes studied Bioinformatics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtät and the Technical University in Munich. From 2009 to 2012, he was a scholar and member of the international research training group "RECESS" by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. In 2015, he finished his PhD on genome-wide association studies with metabolic traits (mGWAS).
Johannes' subproject covers the conceptual design of CKDNapp's user interface according to the requirements of daily clinical routine and the needs of treating physicians. This concept will serve as a template for the development of the CKDNapp website and mobile apps. His subproject also covers the development and implementation of methods for processing and evaluating the data entered into CKDNapp on the user's device in order to predict the disease progression and to provide interactive representations of the results. Furthermore, Johannes will collect established risk scores and guidelines as well as links to current literature in CKD research and integrate them into CKDNapp.